
The AGG does not explicitly mention three-person relationships or associated discrimination in the case of direct discrimination, but there is also no explicit restriction to two-person constellations. Section 1 of the AGG is formulated in general terms, without reference to individuals, which is why protection against discrimination detached from the individual seems conceivable here. The formulations "on grounds" and "because of" do not indicate that the person discriminated against and the person bearing the characteristic must be identical. Section 3 (1) of the AGG refers to the prohibition of direct discrimination; No clear personal reference can be established here either. The wording "on account of a characteristic mentioned in section 1 AGG" would allow for an interpretation in conformity with the Directive and could thus guarantee protection against direct third-party discrimination. 

In contrast to the EU Directive 2000/78/EC, the definition contained in Section 3 (2) AGG would also allow for the extension of the prohibition of indirect discrimination in cases of associated discrimination, as no reference is made to a characteristic bearer in the AGG here as well. Moreover, the protection that goes beyond the directive would be possible, as the EU directives must only bring about a minimum standard of protection in the member states.