
BUG can only carry out its work because individuals, foundations or companies offer generous funding. For this we are extremely grateful. If you are interested in donating to BUG, please contact us. We will gladly provide you with  information on how your donation could best assist our work. Some options are listed below.

BUG has charitable status and can issue donation receipts. If you wish to receive a donation receipt, please state your address in your bank transfer or send an email with your contact details to

Donation options

Remittance/donation to BUG's Legal Assistance Fund

You can support our legal work by making a donation to BUG's bank account, e.g. to the benefit of our Legal Assistance Fund. The Legal Assistance Fund is used exclusively to cover costs of legal actions. If you want your donation to be used in a certain area of work (for example, only for cases of discrimination based on disability), we will take this into account. Further information can be found in this information sheet regarding our Legal Assistance Fund.

Recipient: BUG e.V.

Bank: Commerzbank Berlin

IBAN: DE36 1004 0000 0230 4087 00


Since 2015, BUG has been collecting donations on to tackle racial profiling since several cases in this area are currently pending (see here). It is now possible to donate regularly in self-chosen amount and frequency (click on the button in the red frame to learn more).

On, BUG is represented with two projects. Firstly, we are collecting donations in order to promote the strengthening of legal protection against discrimination by amending the General Equal Treartment Act. Secondly, we want to use donations to finance lawsuits in the area of ethnic discrimination in access to housing.

Since 2017 you can support us by using your phone: By means of the mobile service provider 'goood' you can easily do a good deed every month. Browsing the internet and talking on the phone can be done with goood mobile phone rates at reasonable prices. 10% of your monthly charges will be donated directly to us! Find out more here

Moreover, this video explains how goood works.