
According to the German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, associated discrimination means the less favourable treatment of a person because of his or her relation to another person, who belongs to one of the protected groups named in Section 1 AGG.

Other common terms for this form of discrimination are third party discrimination, discrimination due to proximity or discrimination by association. The different terms make it difficult to form a coherent legal norm.

The prohibition of associated discrimination allows persons who have been discriminated against because of their relation to another person, who belongs to one of the protected groups named in Section 1 AGG, to take legal action.

An example for such associated discrimination would be the less favourable treatment of a person, who would be rejected for an apartment because of the skin colour of his or her partner. Regarding employment, an example of associated discrimination would be the less favourable treatment of an employee because of his or her relation to a disabled person, who needs care.