
The Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires public authorities and businesses to estimate in advance the likely impact of their policies and practices on equal opportunities. In order to take equal treatment into account in every aspect of management and organisation, the Commission recommends reviewing all measures and carrying out an Equality Impact Assessment. An important part of implementing these responsibilities is to establish a working relationship between those who draft laws for the public sector and those who will be affected by these laws. This can best be achieved through regular consultation between the various actors and timely feedback to respondents.

It is of the utmost importance for legislators that businesses, authorities and individuals recognise that equality and the duty to establish good relations between individuals and groups are co-dependent and are both needed to create a society of equals and to avoid discrimination - Equality Northern Ireland, Outline Guide for Public Authorities.

The tasks of the authorities also include the regular publication of data, the so-called screening, the implementation of a so-called Equality Impact Assessment, the development of an equality scheme and a disability action plan. In addition, each year, the authorities must submit a progress report to the Commission and review their equality policies and action plans every three years.