The German Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act also took the definition of Disability from the ninth social security statute. The German Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act presents new rules on accessibility. New government buildings must be accessible and barrier-free. Public authorities have to adapt their websites to the needs of people with disabilities in order to allow access to all the information that they provide. The Act also acknowledges that women with disabilities face often double discrimination –due to their disability and gender- and therefore specific measures must be taken to remedy these disadvantages. But even in the Act people with chronic diseases are not explicitly mentioned.
In particular, at the urging of disability self-help organizations and the state working group "Help for disabled in Bayern ", the lawmaker included a ban on discrimination for chronically ill and disabled people in both articles 3 of the Federal Constitution and 127 of the Bavarian Constitution.
The constitutions can formulate only general standards and it must be pointed out again that the use of civil rights for chronically ill and disabled people can only be realized if there is a clear legal regulation, meaning equality laws in the Federation and in the countries.