
In the definition of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disability is defined as a long- term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder full, effective and equal participation in society.

The extent to which a person is restricted by their disability is measured by a categorization of the degree of disability. For that purpose, a scale of 10 to 100 is used. The higher the degree of disability, the more severe the disability and impairment. The degree of handicap is requested and accepted at the social security office or the Office of Social Affairs.

Impairments due to a chronic illness are also measured by the degree of disability. For example, the degree of handicap for a person suffering from diabetes is 40. The degree of handicap in the case of epilepsy may be, depending on the frequency, up to the degree of handicap of 80. People with HIV always have at least a degree of handicap of 10.