
Transgender, and its shorter version trans*, is an umbrella term. The * in trans* cannot be seen as the German ,,Gendersternchen’’ (gender star), but rather refers to trans* identities outside of the gender binary, for example non-binary or gender fluid trans* people.

The term trans* is used as an adjective. This dossier will look at different terms of, and about, trans* people and their historical context. The term trans woman/ trans man will be explained and the differences between transsexual, transgender and the German term,,transident’’ are shown. Besides that, the non-binary gender identity will be described. Furthermore, the difference between trans* and intersex will be explained. 

Transgender is manifold as gender identity, gender expression and gender body differ in various forms from the heteronormativity of the society. Heteronormativity only defines the two genders man and woman, which are attracted to each other. Non-conformance to the heteronormativity is often also the base for experiences unequal treatment.