
In the framework of the the Equality Act 2006, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has specific duties to enforce the laws. On the one hand, the Commission must ensure that equality legislation is implemented and, on the other hand, work towards the elimination of discrimination and harassment. Legislative powers allow the Commission to require employers, service providers, educational institutions, public authorities and housing service providers to stop all discriminatory practices and policies and to make the necessary changes in corporate culture and its regulations to prevent future discrimination and non-compliance.

In many cases, the Commission is very successful in resolving cases of discrimination in an informal way. Where attempts fail to encourage the relevant authorities and/or companies to adhere to their duties, the Commission may use its formal enforcement powers. These formal steps include inquiries, formal investigations, unlawful act notices, conventions not to commit unlawful acts, actions to prevent or limit non-compliance or unlawful acts, assessments, compliance notices and juditial assessements of the general equality duty.