
Institutional forms of discrimination can also be found in schools. According to a study by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, a quarter of students with a migratory background feel discriminated against in school. These are not just individual discrimination cases, but also constitute forms of institutional discrimination. An example of such discriminatory practices are cases of lower recommendations to secondary schools for children with a migratory background despite similar performance in comparison to their peers. In order to guarantee a non-discriminatory school life, the organization LIFE e.V. offers within the framework of a model project an independent contact point and complaints office for affected persons in Berlin.

More information with regard to the Anlaufstelle für Diskriminierungsschutz an Schulen (ADAS), the contact point for the protection against discrimination, can be found here.

In addition to individual exclusion, it has to be observed how institutional forms of discrimination in school can be perceived, analysed and dealt with in an adequate and sustainable way. At this point in time how to address institutional discrimination is still largely unclear in Germany.