
The ‘Guidance on police and unsatisfactory performance and misconduct procedures circulated by the Home Office to the police forces was published in 2008. In chapter one of the document there is a section on Standards of Professional Behaviour which contains a specific paragraph on how police officers should behave with regards to Equality and Diversity (p. 12). It outlines that such clear guidelines makes people aware of what is and what is not acceptable behaviour from a police officer. It is indicated that any breach of the guidelines could lead to disciplinary procedures and in the more serious cases even dismissal. In chapter two benchmarks for disciplinary procedures are outlined.

Since the inquiry was published in 1999 disciplinary procedures for alleged racist officers have improved which is an important step forward. Jason Bennetto from the Equality and Human Rights Commission believed that the discipline for alleged racist police officers has become more straightforward and organised than it has been previously. However, no statistics are available.